Six generations of the Boyd family value farming as a way of life

The Boyd’s farm has been in the family since 1865, so they are familiar with the joys and challenges of farming.

Brian Boyd’s wetland being dug. After the wetland was created, the soils were seeded with a mix of native plant and tree species. Photo: ALUS Norfolk.

Brian Boyd and his son Greg are happy to collaborate with organizations such as ALUS Norfolk and Long Point Region Conservation Authority (LPRCA) to carry out land stewardship.

Brian worked with these organizations to create a wetland on the farm which was then seeded with native grasses, wildflowers, trees, and shrubs to help prevent soil loss and mitigate nutrient runoff into Lake Erie.

“I feel ALUS is well suited for my farms. The wetlands and tree planting projects make good sense on land that can’t support grain production,” says Brian. “[ALUS Norfolk] understands the importance of achieving a balance between agriculture and conservation”.

Brian’s son Greg is the sixth generation to farm on the Boyd farm, and he has also incorporated ALUS projects at his own farm. Greg is the owner of Heritage Lane Produce and can be found at numerous farmer’s markets within Norfolk and Oxford County. With the Covid-19 pandemic restrictions, Greg was able to transition to customers picking up produce on a weekly basis.

Brian Boyd with his son Greg and grand kids. Greg is the sixth generation to farm on the Boyd farm and is also the owner of Heritage Lane Produce. Photo: ALUS Norfolk.

Greg has adapted to no-till planting to mitigate soil degradation caused by tillage and has widened grassed waterways to stabilize runoff.

“No-till farming combined with the waterways ability to filter water runoff means that the water entering the drainage network is now clear and free from sediment,” says Greg.

ALUS Norfolk and LPRCA are proud collaborators in the Priority Place Agriculture Runoff working group along with other organizations such as Norfolk County Drainage Services, the Canadian Wildlife Service and Carolinian Canada.

Another objective is planting cover crops on farms within the Priority Place.

“Cover crops provide lots of benefits”, according to Paul Gagnon, Lands & Waters Supervisor from LPRCA. “They can help limit the amount of erosion that occurs within a given year. They build soil health and minimize weed pressure, ultimately reducing input costs.”

Even better, there is financial incentive to sign up. If you are interested in learning more about the cover crop program or to see if you are eligible, please contact Paul Gagnon, Lands & Waters Supervisor with LPRCA at (519) 842-4242 ext. 232.

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